Hogyan segíthetek tinédzser gyermekeimnek rendben tartani a szobájukat?
A legtöbb szülő elismeri, hogy tinédzser gyermeke hálószobáját katasztrófa sújtotta övezetté lehetne nyílvánítani. Meggyőzni egy tinédzsert, hogy kitakarítsa a szobáját? Külön művészet. Valószínűleg nem egy pillanat műve lesz átalakítani a belépni nem tanácsos övezetet egy kellemes, rendezett és tanulásra is alkalmas környezetté.
Legyenek egyszerű elvárások
Ha állandó harcban állsz a gyermekeddel a szobája rendbetétele miatt, kezdetben hasznos lehet, ha egyszerű elvárásokat fogalmazol meg, mint például a padló tisztántartása - ez pedig magában foglalja a piszkos ruhákat, mosatlanokat és az ételmaradékokat is.
Magyarázd meg az előnyöket
A kis jutalmak ösztönzőek lehetnek, de a kezdeti lelkesedés hamar elpárologhat. Számíts rá, hogy apró lépésekkel fogtok haladni, ezért kezdd azzal, hogy legyen saját szennyestartójuk, és mutasd be nekik a porszívót is. -
- having friends over will seem a more realistic proposition if the room is a bit more organised
- your teenager will be able to find things that they need easily and quickly.
It will be very much baby steps so start by ensuring they have their own linen bin and introduce them to the hoover.
Make it about more
One of the most successful techniques to get someone to do something they do not want to do (and this doesn’t just include teenagers) is to tap into a vein in their life. Most young people are becoming very environmentally aware. Help them make the connection between their home environment, their wellbeing and concept of caring for what is around them. This is empowering them to make changes on a small scale which could develop into something much greater.
Give responsibility
Giving anyone responsibility, however small, can have a radical effect on their behaviour. Let the teenager choose their decor and bed linen to their favourite design or pattern, this will give them a sense of control which will hopefully engender a corresponding sense of responsibility and investment in their personal space.
Work with, not against
Home office decorating or bedroom makeovers can be lots of fun with your teenager (if they are happy to). If you’re already worried that you might not be able to tolerate their colour schemes, begin with letting them accessorise their space.
Make helpful suggestions about how they organise their room and include things which you know are important to that age group and which they may not have thought of like a gallery wall for photographs. Suggest a defined study space just as you may have a small home office work space.
Provide the right tools
One of the key essentials to being able to tidy up (and this applies to any room in the home) is adequate storage space. Shelving units don’t just have to be about study, equally storage shelves can be used for files and folders as well as lots of other loose clutter and precious decorative objects. Drawer units are ideal for tidying up bits and pieces to avoid that cluttered feel. You might consider agreeing that that you don’t go into your teenager’s zone providing it is kept clean and tidy.
Lead by example
If you are working from home lead by example and make your home working area and desk space both ordered and great to look at, functional and on-trend by using the warm tones and exciting palette of the Cosy range which has design right at its heart for home working.
As time passes, there are always bound to be situations which bring into sharp focus the challenges of working and studying from home. When education and office life migrates into the domestic space, organising your home and trying to stay organised and clutter-free becomes a priority as the demands of life change.
Organising tips and design concepts
A stylish home does not have to be at odds with a practical work space:-
· Create a designated area or room for work, this can be decorated like your home, it doesn’t have to be decorated like an office. Working out the interior design for your home office can be fun
· If you don’t have the space to devote an entire room to home working then a defined area within the living room, or dining room for example, can work just as well – it can be quite a small space just as long as it is organised. It is possible to make an area like this both simultaneously blend and be separate without drawing attention to it. If you can’t shut the door on your office then avoid hard statements like a standard office chair and opt for subtle, warm colours rather than stark contrasts
· Follow the mantra of a place for everything and everything in its place – the Cosy range from Leitz offers a selection of home office storage solutions in beautiful, muted tones and natural colours with a real retro mid-century feel that will personalise your working space and ensure it is a world away from those harsh utilitarian office interiors and buildings
Where you work is critically important to how well you work and, as a parent, if you can show that to your teenagers, then they will want to start to invest in their own study environment and embrace modern design concepts with aesthetically pleasing yet utterly functional products which are right on trend. When it comes to organising your space, Leitz is your friend and can help you tidy and organise office and study materials with solutions that you will be delighted to welcome into your home.