The right way to monitor air is with a separate sensor

The right way to monitor air is with a separate sensor

Most purifiers don't know the air quality in the room.

TruSens does, and reacts.

Whole room coverage

Whole room coverage

With a remote SensorPod air quality monitor, there’s no more guessing. Placed across the room, SensorPod communicates back to the TruSens purifier so it can automatically adjust its fan speed. This way, you can be certain the entire room is benefiting from cleaner air.

TruSens Air Purifiers

Medium Room

up to 35 m²
with SensorPod

Large Room

up to 70 m²
with SensorPod

Small Room

up to 23 m²
not compatible with SensorPod

SensorPod, brilliant in every way 

For best results, place SensorPod across the room from the purifier. This ensures the air quality in the room is also measured away from the purifier. Measurements are communicated back to the purifier, which then responds to the pollutants in your room.

Rigourous testing pays off

Rigourous testing pays off

TruSens purifiers with separate SensorPod were tested against traditional purifiers with built-in sensors. SensorPod detected common pollutants in the air more accurately, improving coverage of cleaner air. An air purifier with a separate sensor detects pollutants throughout the room, not just by the purifier.

Why clean air matters

Being informed means that you can take a proactive approach to your wellbeing. Follow the links below for articles that are meant to inform and make you aware of the air you breathe.

Unwanted guests

Unwanted guests

Dust mites

These little critters can cause big problems, even in the cleanest of environments. You’re not alone if the microscopic bugs wreak havoc on your immune system.

Indoor air quality

Indoor air quality


Although the warmth and smell of the fire is relaxing, you may not realize that the intake of wood smoke may not be good for you.


Bad smells

Bad smells


Sometimes basic odours can be a nuisance. Cooking a simple dinner can introduce odours and particles in the air, aggravating allergy symptoms.