Leitz Icon Smart labelsystem

For alle spørgsmål vedrørende Leitz Icon, se da vores FAQ for hurtig hjælp.


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Label printer software og apps:

Med Leitz Icon label softwaren kan du printe labels fra en hvilken som helst enhed. Download nu ved at klikke på linket nedenfor.

Mac og Windows: Leitz Icon Softwaren checker automatisk for opdateringer, når der er en internetforbindelse. Når en softwareopdatering er tilgængelig, får du automatisk besked om det, når du starter Leitz Icon softwaren. 

iOS: Opdateringer er tilgængelig fra App Storen og bruges på samme måde, som alle andre apps på din enhed baseret på dine indstillinger.

Få din Leitz Icon label printer startet nemt med vores hurtig-start guide

For yderligere, mere detaljeret infomation, kan den komplette brugermanal downloades.

For at downloade vores hurtig-start-guide klik her.

For at downloade brugermanualen klik her.



Klik på nestående link for at se alle Leitz Icon instruktionsvideoer.

Ja. Opdateringer til Leitz Icon printer firmware udgives med jævne mellemrum for at tilføje funktionaliteter. Firmwaren kan opdateres trådløs ved brug af en Windows eller Mac computer. Du kan finde den nyeste Icon firmware på Leitz Icon websiten, sammen med en simpel instruktion (PDF-format). Du kan også se en video. 

Registrer din Leitz Icon Smart labelling maskine og får udvidet garantien med 1 år.


We will continue to sell label cartridges and provide technical support and software updates to the installed base of Icon users until the end of 2020 but we will closely monitor the situation and our customer commitments.

We will continue to sell label cartridges and provide technical support and software updates to the installed base of Icon users until the end of 2020 but we will closely monitor the situation and our customer commitments.

Opladningstiden afhænger af det oprindelig batteriniveau. Hvis batteriet er helt afladt tager det cirka 3 timer at oplade, hvis printeren ikke er i brug.

Batteriet leverer 24 VDC på op til 4A og har en kapacitet på 2405mAh.

Når batteriet er helt opladt, kan maskinen bruges i cirka 12 timer og printe op til 1200 adresselabels.

Det er ikke nødvendigt at aflade batteriet helt, før du oplader det. Du kan oplade batteriet på et hvilket som helst tidspunkt.

Gør følgende for at forlænge batteriets levetid

  • Oplad batteriet før du bruger det første gang.
  • Efterlad ikke batteriet i strømstikket, hvis den ikke bruges i en længere periode.
  • Opbevar ikke batteriet helt afladt i længere perioden. Batteriet bør have en kapacitet på mellem 50-75%, hvis det skal opbevares i længere tid.
  • Oplad som minimum batteriet cirka hver 90. dag.


Du skal aflevere elektronik og batterier på specielt adgivne offentlige steder (genbrugsstationer). Kontakt din kommune eller forhandleren, hvor du købte produktet for mere infomation.

Ja. Når printerne bruger batteri og ikke er i gang med at printe, går printeren i strømsparemode. Det sikrer, at printeren altid er klar til at printe et udskriftsjob. I strømsparemode bruger printeren minimal energi.

Leitz Icon printeren har ikke en tænd/sluk knap. Efter en periode med inaktivitet går maskinen i dvaletilstand og lyset på power statusen bliver svagere. I dvaletilstand bruger printern minial energi (mindre end 1 Watt).

For at slukke al strøm til printerne, så tag strømkablet ud af printeren og tag batteriet ud. 

Efter en periode med inaktivitet går maskinen i dvaletilstand og lyset på power statusen bliver svagere. I dvaletilstand bruger printern minial energi

Leitz Icon Intelligent Label Kasetter er lavet af recirkulerbare materialer. Hylstret er lavet af papirmasse med en kerne af karton.

Den grønne del er lavet af ABS plastik. Tjek venligst med din lokale genbrugsstation, om ABS plastik kan afleveres der til genbrug.

Adskil blot den grønne labelguide fra kasetten og placer begge til genbrug.

Leitz Icon Intelligent Label Kassetter kan ikke genopfyldes og bør afleveres til genbrug, når den er tom.

Når printeren er forbundet med dit lokale trådløse netværk, er der ingen grænse for antallet af brugere, som kan dele printeren.

Hvis Soft AP-tilstand bruges, kan op til fem brugere ad gangen koble sig til printeren samtidig.

Det er ikke nødvendigt med et password, når du kobles til printeren ved brug af USB eller Wi-Fi beskyttet setup (WPS).

Et brugernavn og password er nødvendigt for at få adgang til Leitz Icon kontrolpanel og Printer Setup Wizard.

Leitz Icon kontrolpanel og Printer Setup Wizard bruges til at forbinde printeren og konfigurere trådløs print og andre netværksfunktion i Soft AP mode.

Din virksomhed har muligvis restriktioner. Kontakt din netværksadministrator for mere information.

Ved at bruge Soft AP mode, kan du trådløst forbinde printeren til din computer uden brug af et eksisterede trådløs netværk. i Soft AP mode, er printeren sit eget access point, eller Soft AP, som giver muligheden for en direkte trådløs forbindelse mellem printer og computer.

Når du bruger printeren i Soft AP mode, kan du ikke få adgang til dit lokale trådløse netværk.

Ja. Du kan dele Leitz Icon printeren, på dit lokale trådløse netværk. Du kan også dele printeren ved at forbinde printeren til en kompatibel netværks router eller printer server ved brug af USB kabel.

Herudover har Mac OS X og Windows computere indbygget printerdeling for alle printere, der er direkte forbundet med din computer.

Som ved alle andre trådløse enheder, afhænger rækkevidden af Wi-Fi signalet af området, hvor printeren bruges. Faktorer som tykkelse af væggene, eller tætheden af væggene kan påvirke det trådløse signal, ligesom det kan blive påvirket af andet elektronisk udstyr. Hvis printeren falder ud af det trådløse netværk, eller du har problemer med at forbinde i soft AP mode, så prøv at flytte printeren tættere på din computer.

Unaset hvilken netværkforbindelse du bruger, kan du printe med Leitz Icon printeren, hvis den er forbundet til computeren med et USB kabel.
Du kan også bruge printeren, hvis du er forbundet til samme VPN, som printeren er forbundet til. Det er ikke muligt at printe fra en lokal netværksprinter når en VPN forbindelse er aktiv på din computer.

Du skal have internetforbindelse for at downloade Leitz Icon software fra Leitz hjemmesiden. Når det er installeret, checker softwaren automatisk for opdateringer, når der er en internetforbindelse.

Leitz Icon printeren kan fungere som sit eget access point, eller Soft AP, som giver en direkte trådløs forbindelse mellem printeren og op til 4 computere. Ved brug af Soft AP mode, kan du trådløst forbinde printeren til din computer uden brug af en eksisterende trådløs forbindelse.
Se en hjælpsom sådan-gør-du video på www.leitz.com/iconvideos eller læs brugermanualen for mere information om at forbinde til printeren ved brug af Soft AP mode.

Ja. Opdateringer til Icon printer firmwaren bliver udsendt periodisk. Firmwaren kan opdateres trådløst via en Windows eller Mac computer.

Du kan finde den nyeste Icon software på Leitz Icon websiten sammen med et let manual (PDF-format) til at opdatere firmwaren.

Hvis din printer ikke er tilgængelig i listen af mulige printere, når du tilføjer printeren i Windows, kan du tilføje printeren manuelt ved at bruge printerens IP adresse,

For en endnu lettere måde at tilføje din printer til Windows, se FAQ "Er der en lettere måde at tilføje min Leitz icon Printer i Windows?"

Den følgende instruks beskriver, hvordan printeren tilføjes i Windows 8 og Windows 7. hvis du bruger en anden version af Windows, så se venligst Windows dokumentation for information vedrørende tilføjelse af en netværksprinter med manuelle indstillinger-

1. Klik Start, klik Kontrolpanel, klik Hardware og lyd, og klik så på Enheder og printere.

2. Klik Tilføj en printer.

Tilføj printer dialog boksen dukker op.

3. (Kun Windows 7) Vælg Tilføj en netværk, trådløs eller bluetooth printer.

4. Klik på Printeren jeg ønsker er ikke på listen.

5. Vælg Tilføj en lokal printer eller netværksprinter med manuelle indstillinger og klik så næste.

6a. (Windows 8 Only) Select Create a new port, select Standard TCP/IP Port in the Type of port
list, and then click Next.

6b. (Windows 7 Only) In the Device type list, select TCP/IP Device, and then click Next.

7. In the Hostname or IP address box, type ICON-xxyyzz
Replace xxyyzz with the last six digits of your printer's MAC address. The MAC address for your printer can be found on the label on the bottom of your printer.

8. Under Device Type, select Standard, and then select Generic Network Card in the list.

9. Click Next.

10. In the Manufacturer list, select Leitz.

11. In the Printers list, select Leitz Icon, and then click Next.

12. Select Use the driver that is currently installed, and then click Next.

13. (Optional) Type a name for your printer in the Printer name box.

14. Click Next.

15. Select whether or not you want to share the printer, and then click Next.

16. Click Finish.

The printer is now available for printing.

Hvis du ikke kender din printers IP adresse, kan du finde printeren ved at bruge din din browser til at forbinde til printerens kontrolpanel ved brug af ICON-xxyyzz som URL eller link, hvor xxyyzz er de sidste 6 cifre i din printers MAC adresse.

Din printers MAC adresse findes på mærket i bunden af din printer. Et eksempel: en mærket i bunden siger: "MAC : 00: 1E : CO : 13 : 13: A5" giver et printer ID, der hedder ICON-1313A5.

Du kan let tilføje din Leitz Icon printer i Windows ved at bruge Bonjour Printer
Du kan downloade og installere Bonjour printer guiden fra Apples hjemmeside;
Når du har installeret Bonjour Printer Guide, så gør følgende for at tilføje din printer til Windows:
1. Start Bonjour Printer Guiden.
2. Vælg Leitz Icon i Delte printere listen, og klik så Næste.
3. Klik Har Disk i nederste højre hjørne af guiden.
En dialogboks åbner nu.
4. Gå til den lokation på computeren, hvor du installerde din Leitz Icon Software
Standard lokationen er C:\Program Files (x86)\Leitz Icon Software
5. Åben mappen Drivers, vælg OEMPRINT.INF, og klik så på Åben.
6. Klik Næste i guiden.
7. Klik Afslut.
Printeren er nu klar til at udskrive fra din computer.

Plastic and Paper labels are thermal sensitive materials. This means that they will discolor by heating up the material.

This is also the principal how the image is created on the labels.

Our labels will discolor when applied on hot surfaces.

How long it will last and how much it will discolor will be depending on the surface material, time and temperature on which the labels are applied.

So the result will be different case by case and depending what the customers acceptance criteria is and will also be depending how long the labels need to stay on the applied surface.

Take the cartridge out of the printer.

Check to see if the label paper is not sticking out too much or not sucked in too deep.

If sticking out too much push it back in gently till it is in align with the opening of the green plastic part of the cartridge.

If it is in too deep try pulling it out till it is in align with the opening of the green plastic part of the cartridge.

This will make it easier for the printer to roll and communicate with the software.

If this is not the case then proceed to update your firmware to latest version on the Leitz site.

Also make sure the print button is green and not greyed out.

If the Icon is offline software will not be able to read the cartridge information.

In this case this would be a offline problem of the printer and not a cartridge problem.

This could also be resolved by performing a power cycle. ( take the power plug out wait a few secs and insert it back in).

The Leitz Icon printer is a direct thermal printer and prints using heat. It is possible for the printed portion of the label to fade over time. Exposure to direct sunlight or excessive heat can cause the unprinted portion of the label to darken, making the label difficult to read.

If not exposed to excessive heat or light, labels will remain readable for many years.

Leitz Icon plastic labels are water-resistant. The labels will stay in place and remain readable even when exposed to water.

Leitz Icon labels are not oil-resistant.

Yes, Leitz Icon labels are acid-free and non-toxic.

Repositionable labels are not available at this time.

Leitz Icon labels may leave behind traces of label material or adhesive when removed from some surfaces.

Leitz Icon labels are not washing machine safe. The Leitz Icon printer is a direct thermal printer and prints using heat. Exposure to excessive heat (from a washing machine or other source) can cause the unprinted portion of the label to darken, making the label difficult to read. The adhesive can also be affected, depending on the surface the label is applied to.

Leitz Icon labels are not dishwasher safe. The Leitz Icon printer is a direct thermal printer and prints using heat. Exposure to excessive heat (from a dishwasher or other source) can cause the unprinted portion of the label to darken, making the label difficult to read.

When the printer is in Soft AP Mode, up to 5 users can connect to the Leitz Icon printer at one time. Users must have Leitz Icon Software installed on their device.
When the printer is connected to your wireless network, any user on the network can connect to the printer.

Make sure that the label cartridge is loaded into the printer correctly. Please check if you are connected to your Leitz Icon printer and if the right Leitz Icon Printer is selected in the Software.

The cartridge info is only displayed, if the printer is status "Online" in the Leitz Icon SW. If the label cartridge is loaded correctly and the power and wireless status lights alternately blink, this indicates that the label cartridge is invalid or unreadable.

First, try powering the printer off and back on. This may clear the label jam.
If not, complete the following procedure to clear the label jam.

  1. Disconnect the power cord and battery from the printer to power off the printer.
  2. Tear off any labels that have already fed through the label exit slot.
  3. Push the button on the top of the printer to open the cartridge door.
  4. Lift the label guide latch/platen release.
  5. Remove the label cartridge from the cartridge compartment, pulling the extruded labels from the label feed slot.
  6. Use a pair of scissors to cut off any labels that have exited the label cartridge before reloading the label cartridge.

NOTE: If you think a partial label may be stuck in the printer, you can access the platen and cutter by removing the front panel of the printer.

See the video here for instructions on removing the printer panel and clearing the paper path.

Several options are available for getting your Leitz Icon printer back in working order. Click here to contact customer support for more information.

The Leitz Icon printer was dropped and no longer works. What can I do?

Labels will last for 12-18 months when stored properly.

Check to make sure that the label cartridge is loaded properly and that the labels are in the correct position within the label cartridge.

  • Open and close the cartridge door.
  • Make sure the labels are not crumpled or folded in any way.
  • Make sure the labels are not sticking out of the cartridge label exit slot. Use a pair of scissors to cut off any labels that have exited the label cartridge.
  • Check to make sure that the labels are visible on the underside of the folding label guide. If necessary, gently pull the labels with your thumb until they reach the halfway point of the slot on the underside of the folding label guide.

The default user name and password for the Leitz Icon Control Panel are as follows.

User name: Admin
Password: password

If you have changed the user name and/or password and have forgotten it, you can reset the printer to the default settings. Resetting the printer reverts all settings, including the user name and password, to the default settings.
Complete the following procedure to reset the printer.


  1. Disconnect the power cord and battery from the printer to power off the printer.
  2. With the printer off, press and hold the WPS button on the back of the printer and reconnect the power cord to the printer.
  3. Continue to hold the WPS button for ten seconds, and then release the button.

If the power status light is flashing slowly (once per second), this indicates that the inserted label cartridge
is not loaded properly in the printer or is out of labels.

  • Check to make sure that the label cartridge is not out of labels.
  • Check to make sure labels are visible on the underside of the folding label guide. If necessary, gently pull the labels with your thumb until they reach the halfway point of the slot on the underside of the folding label guide.
  • Load a new label cartridge.
  • If the power status light is flashing quickly (twice per second) and the wireless status light is off, this indicates that the printer is in self-test mode. Disconnect the printer from all power sources and then reconnect the power.

If both status lights are flashing slowly (once per second) at the same time, this indicates a label jam.

If both status lights are flashing flashing quickly (twice per second) at the same time, this indicates a cutter jam.

In either case, disconnect the printer from all power sources and then reconnect the power. If this does not resolve the issue, refer to the Leitz Icon Printer User Guide for more information.

This indicates that the label cartridge is invalid or unreadable. Make sure you are using a genuine Leitz Icon Intelligent Label Cartridge and that the cartridge identification chip is not dirty, damaged, or missing.

If the wireless status light is flashing slowly (once per second) and the power status light is solid, this indicates that the printer is waiting for a WPS connection.

If any labels are protruding from the label exit slot, use a pair of scissors to cut off the excess. If this is a recurring problem, it could be an indication that you should use the cleaning card to clean the paper path.

1. On your computer, search for available wireless networks.
2. From the list of available networks, select ICON-xxyyzz, where xxyyzz is a combination of letters and numbers that uniquely identify your printer from other Icon printers in the area.
3. Click Join or Connect.
4. Once connected, start a web browser on your computer.
5. In the address bar, type ICON-xxyyzz.local (where xxyyzz is the last six digits of your printer's MAC address) and then press Enter.
The MAC address for your printer can be found on the label on the bottom of your printer.
6. Enter your user name and password in the User name and Password boxes.
The default user name and password are as follows.

User name: Admin
Password: password

7. Click OK.

Mac and Windows: Leitz Icon Software automatically checks for updates when there is an internet connection. When a software update is available, you are notified automatically when you start Leitz Icon Software.

iOS: Updates are available from the App Store and are handled in the same manner as all other apps on your device, based on your iOS settings.

System requirements for Leitz Icon: Windows 7, 8 and 10; Macintosh OS X version 10.9 and later; iOS 8 or later; Android 4.1.2.

Only contacts that include an address are displayed in the Address Book.


In order to print to your Leitz Icon printer from the Leitz Icon app for iPad, the printer must be connected to your iPad by one of the following methods:

• Your Leitz Icon printer and your iPad must be connected to the same wireless network
• Your Leitz Icon printer must be connected to your iPad in Soft AP mode

If you have checked that one of the above is true and your printer still does not appear as an available printer in the Leitz Icon app for iPad, check your AirPrint settings in the Leitz Icon Control Panel (the printer's built-in web server).

Make sure the Enable AirPrint to allow printing from iPad check box is selected.

Using the Leitz Icon software, you can view your Mac Contacts in the address book pane, and then select the contacts for which you want to print address labels.

The Leitz Icon App allows you to select and print any contact from your Contacts App.

The option to import DYMO® Address Books is now available from the File menu.

This feature is not currently available.

This feature is not currently available.

This feature is not currently available.

There is no specific life testing for Icon. Leitz warrantees Icon for 2 years from the date of purchase, 3 years if the printer is registered with Leitz.

The Leitz Icon printer is a direct thermal printer and does not use ink or toner.

The cutter is not replaceable and has been tested to over 360,000 cuts, or more than 500 rolls of address labels.

In order for labels to be cut and ejected properly, a minimum label length of 28 mm (1.1 in) is enforced by the printer. Labels have a maximum length of 2.7 meters (106 inches).

No, this will not affect the print head. If you experience lighter than normal printing, use the included cleaning card to clean the paper path.

Leitz Icon Intelligent Label Cartridges use a special cartridge identification chip to relay information about the label cartridge, such as such as the type and size of the labels, the capacity of the label cartridge, and the number of labels used, to the software.

Printing stops when you open the cartridge door. Once you load a new cartridge into the printer, you must determine where printing stopped and restart the print job from that point.

Yes, you can design and save labels and templates. Saved labels and templates are available from the label selection pane.

Yes, any character set available on your device can be used in Leitz Icon Software and will print with the Leitz Icon printer.

Please check the Quick Start Guide or User Manual to make sure you have inserted the cartridge correctly. It is possible you need a firmware update for the printer to recognize your cartridge correctly. Check the support section for the latest firmware and instructions on how to install the firmware.

Resetting the printer reverts all settings to the default settings. Any settings, including wireless settings, that have been changed are lost. Resetting the printer will not remove any firmware or software updates.


  1. Holding down the WPS button disconnect the power cord and battery from the printer to power off the printer.
  2. With the printer off, press and hold the WPS button on the back of the printer and reconnect the power cord to the printer.
  3. Continue to hold the WPS button for ten seconds, and then release the button.
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